Azar Sanat NURLU Plast

Environment Friendly

A variety of acoustic, thermal, moisture, and refrigeration insulators are environmentally friendly in terms of their role in preventing the loss of some form of energy. Nurlu products, with the use of insulation and insulators, play an important role in saving energy consumption and protecting the environment. However, the production process of the insulation products also, if the requirements of the standards of environmental management systems are not observed, can cause more serious damage to the environment. Our organization is designed to understand the relevant concepts and apply different methods in planning, implementing, and controlling organizational processes according to the environmental approach. Advances in law enforcement and environmental protection, the optimal use of natural resources and their protection, and the disposal of factory waste without environmental damage are some of the notable issues related to this issue in the policy of Nurlu Company. In 2016, the company was certified by the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.